GCSC Issue Brief 2: Briefing and Memos from the Research Advisory Group

GCSC Issue Brief 2: Briefing and Memos from the Research Advisory Group

June 27, 2018, Research

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The briefing and memos included in this issue were developed by independent researchers working within the GCSC Research Advisory Group. The papers included here were submitted to the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace (GCSC) in order to support its deliberations in Bratislava in May 2018.

As a result of the Commission Meeting in New Delhi in November 2017, the GCSC issued a set of Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for four research projects. The Commissioners selected the winning proposals at the Commission Meeting in Lille, France, in January 2018. The researchers received the funding associated with the RFPs and were invited to present their work to the Commissioners during the Commission Meeting in Bratislava in May 2018.

Download the GCSC Issue Brief here.

Briefing 1
Adaptations to Enhance the Stability of Cyberspace 
Prof. Shen Yi, Dr. Jiang Tianjiao, Ms. Wang Lei

Memo 1
Promoting an International Security Architecture for Cyberspace 
Ms. Elana Broitman, Ms. Mailyn Fidler, Mr. Robert Morgus

Summarizing Presentation

Memo 2
Conceptualizing an International Security Regime for Cyberspace 
Ms. Elonnai Hickok, Mr. Arindrajit Basu

Summarizing Presentation

Memo 3
Defining Offensive Cyber Capabilities 
Mr. Thomas Uren, Mr. Bart Hogeveen, Mr. Fergus Hanson

Summarizing Presentation

Memo 4
Defining Offensive Cyber Capabilities 
Dr. Dragan Mladenović, Mr. Vladimir Radunović

Summarizing Presentation

The opinions expressed in the publications are those solely of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the GCSC, its partners, or The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies. The Commission does not specifically endorse the respective publications, nor does it necessarily ascribe to the findings or conclusions. All comments on the content of the publications should be directed to the respective authors.