Advancing Cyberstability: Protect the Public Internet Core and Improve Cyber Hygiene

Advancing Cyberstability: Protect the Public Internet Core and Improve Cyber Hygiene

November 26, 2019, Commission in the News

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This article by Wolfgang Kleinwächter was published by CircleID on 24 November 2019

“The Paris Peace Forum (PPF), established by the French president Emanual Macron, was picked by the Global Commission for Stability in Cyberspace (GCSC) to launch its final report “Advancing Cyberstability” for good reasons: The Internet isn’t just a purely technical issue with some political implications anymore. On the eve of the 2020s, the management of cyberspace is a global problem, a matter of international security, a question of war or peace.”

“The fact that more than 30 countries have developed offensive cyber capabilities indicates that the world is moving into troubled waters if nothing is happening.” To counter these developments,  we should strive to reach global consensus on norms for responsible state and non-state behavior in cyberspace, says commissioner Kleinwächter. Norms proposed by the GCSC include the norm to protect the public core of the Internet, the norm on basic cyber hygiene and the norm to reduce and mitigate significant vulnerabilities.

“Looking ahead, there are numerous opportunities where the ideas and the proposed language of the Global Commission could be used as a source of inspiration: At the forthcoming UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Berlin (November 25-29, 2019) cybersecurity is a priority issue. The Multistakeholder Intersessional Meeting on Cybersecurity in New York (December 2-4, 2019) or the Munich Security Conference (February 13-16, 2020) are other opportunities.”

Read the full article here.